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There was not much that my mentor could say about the legal aspect of teaching. She just told me that at this point of the century, one will need a degree and a work permit in order to start teaching in a school officially. At TIS KL teachers are provided a handbook based on teaching for learning, behavior for learning and school process to guide them through the teaching and learning process and also how they should manage the classroom.


Some of the misconduct that my mentor have mentioned are students being very talkative. When the teacher does not be strict enough the students will tend to misbehave and they will not pay attention in class. It is a skill that we have to master on how to control a class with students of various characters. Next would be how students disturb their friends. I observed that there was this one student in class who will always act out. It is pretty obvious to me that he wants attention from the teacher. Some of the misbehavior includes grabbing things from his friends, playing with coins and glue, singing and reading his storybook while the teacher is teaching. I can see that Ms. Chin often get frustrated with this child as he never listen to her or any other teachers when they scold or try to ignore his behavior. The only person he listens to is when the year leader comes in or when Ms. Chin take away some points from his ClassDoJo. ClassDoJo is an online system where students are rewarded with point for good behavior in class. They will be awarded when they reach a certain point of marks.


Some other misconduct would be try to avoid too much personal attention. As I have said above that the student always misbehave to seek for attention, this should be avoided as much as possible. This is because attending this students will remove time from the rest of the students learning time. On the other hand, personal attention can also benefit some student. In the class I was in, there were some students who had weak motor skills, hence, the teacher should assist them in writing and also provide them with more time to complete their work. Two things that should be intolerable are telling lies and having no manners. Students should be taught to never lie about anything and to always tell the truth no matter what the consequences are. Besides that, they should also respect teacher and their friends at all time. There should be rules on what the consequences are if someone disrespects and lie. My mentor did mention that she has seen her students talking so much about their abilities to do things but when they are asked to put those into words by writing it into their books, they are unable to do so. Therefore, they should be taught that it is not right to talk big but when they are asked to perform, they are stuck.


One of the main misconduct that I have learnt in my theories is arrival for class. Entering a classroom late or leaving a classroom before the end of the period can be extremely disruptive behavior. Students are asked to arrive for class on time and to avoid early departures. This is particularly true of any schools, where late arrivals and early departures can be most disruptive. Teachers have the right to deny students access to the classroom if they arrive late and have the right to dismiss a student from the class for early departures that result in disruptions. However, this was not observed in the class I was in. students always arrive on time. There was this one student who goes back home half day through but she always informs the class teacher before leaving.

Legal Aspect of Teaching

© 2015 by Mayuri Poorni.

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